Adventures in Odyssey released a series of animated videos starting in 1991. Each are now available on VHS formats, in English and Spanish.
- The Knight Travellers (September 24, 1991)
- A Flight to the Finish (November 26, 1991)
- A Fine Feathered Frenzy (November 17, 1992)
- Shadow of a Doubt (May 4, 1993)
- Star Quest (November 16, 1993)
- Once Upon an Avalanche (March 1, 1994)
- Electric Christmas (November 8, 1994)
- Go West, Young Man (May 16, 1995)
- Someone to Watch Over Me (May 21, 1996)
- In Harm's Way (April 15, 1997)
- A Twist in Time (October 7, 1997)
- A Stranger Among Us (April 21, 1998)
- Baby Daze (October 6, 1998)
- The Last Days of Eugene Meltsner (September 19, 2000)
- Escape from the Forbidden Matrix (January 30, 2001)
- The Caves of Qumran (April 23, 2002)
- Race to Freedom (June 10, 2003)